Tuesday, August 27

I love owls

I love owls.
As old as an oak.
With big brown eyes.
Their gaze is never broke.

I love owls .
I think they are cute.
A fast as a car.
With a really loud hoot.

I love owls .
Flying through the night.
The owl is a star .
At a really high hight.

I love owls.
Sleeping all day long.
Still like a statue .
Resting to be strong.

I love owls.
Small and round.
Big strong wings.
They never make a sound.

I love owls.
Soaring through the sky.
Hunting at night.
Flying really high.

I love owls.
As strong as can be.
Don't make them angry.
Just leave them be.

I love owls.
I think they're great.
My best pet.
Will always be my mate.