Location:Godley Road,Burnham,New Zealand
Tuesday, September 24
Our long run experiment Coin toss
In math we were studying long run experiments. We were doing coin tosses and our trials consisted of five trials, ten trials, twenty trials, fifty and one hundred.

Tuesday, September 3
Monday, September 2
Sunday, September 1
Cultural festival experience.
On the 28th of August at five o'clock we arrived at school and got our hair and makeup done then walked to the hall to wait for the bus.At the CBS arena we walked in and waited fifteen minutes before we got on stage. On stage I was feeling so happy because we were finally on the stage. Thebest part of our performance was E Te Hokuwhitu. After the performance we went back to watch the other performances. My favourite performance was the wearable arts category. After the cultural festival was over we hopped on the bus and went back to school.
Tuesday, August 27
I love owls
I love owls.
As old as an oak.
With big brown eyes.
Their gaze is never broke.
I love owls .
I think they are cute.
A fast as a car.
With a really loud hoot.
I love owls .
Flying through the night.
The owl is a star .
At a really high hight.
I love owls.
Sleeping all day long.
Still like a statue .
Resting to be strong.
I love owls.
Small and round.
Big strong wings.
They never make a sound.
I love owls.
Soaring through the sky.
Hunting at night.
Flying really high.
I love owls.
As strong as can be.
Don't make them angry.
Just leave them be.
I love owls.
I think they're great.
My best pet.
Will always be my mate.

As old as an oak.
With big brown eyes.
Their gaze is never broke.
I love owls .
I think they are cute.
A fast as a car.
With a really loud hoot.
I love owls .
Flying through the night.
The owl is a star .
At a really high hight.
I love owls.
Sleeping all day long.
Still like a statue .
Resting to be strong.
I love owls.
Small and round.
Big strong wings.
They never make a sound.
I love owls.
Soaring through the sky.
Hunting at night.
Flying really high.
I love owls.
As strong as can be.
Don't make them angry.
Just leave them be.
I love owls.
I think they're great.
My best pet.
Will always be my mate.
Wednesday, August 21
Manu tukutuku.
Wednesday, July 10
Tuesday, July 9
Wednesday, June 5
Wednesday, April 10
Term 1 goal reflections
Goal 1- Literacy- To improve the neatness of my handwriting.
I have achieved my goal by keeping the letters in my writing roughly the same size and knowing where to put capital letters.
Goal 2- Math- To know all my basic facts- multiplication and division.
I have started to achieve my goal by practising on e-ako on the basic facts path and using my multiplication book to practise my 1,2,3,4, and 5 times tables.
Goal 2- Self believe and strength- move from being a team member to a team leader.
Some of the ways I have started to achieve my goal is by helping to lead assembly and helping run fitness and Avail.
Monday, April 8
Wednesday, March 20
Day 2- Research.
It was day 2 of planning our superb garden.
First we got put in 6 different groups, each group consisted of either 3 or 4 . They each got a hat and a laptop or mac. Our groups hat was green, Be creative, what are the new ideas. Then using the mac we looked on google to find types of plants that would be suitable in our superb garden. We also looked in the garden to see if there was a suitable place for the time capsule.
Overall it was a fun and exciting time, filled with learning, like what types of conditions plant like to live in and how much water, sun and shade they each need.
Monday, March 4
Swimming assessment.
My swimming has improved because now I can swim more freestyle consistently.
My next step will be to pace myself so I can swim stronger and faster for longer lengths of time.
Sunday, February 24
An Auckland Christmas.
When I was about 8 we went to Auckland for Christmas.On Christmas Day after we opened our stockings we drove to Kylie and Rhy's house to open there presents from them. I also got an elephant called Zambia and a hamster in a clock.I also got a mini mannequin that came with fabric to make clothes.
Holiday in Ozzie.
When I was 6 years old my parents, Emelia and I went to Australia for a holiday. The first place we stayed at had a big pool outside that had a place with drinks in the middle. The next place we went to you could just walk outside onto Lots of sand. One time when we were eating breakfast 3 birds flew on to our balcony and watched us eat and it made us nervous. At Australia zoo I got to feed an elephant some fruit.
Tuesday, February 19
First day at school.
1 year later when I first started school, I walked into class and I felt so nervous and excited at the same time. My teacher Mrs Burlingson showed me around and then gave me some work to do. At morning tea I was just like 'what am I supposed to do?'. Then someone came up to me and asked if I wanted to play Fairies? And I said 'ok'.
My broken arm.
When I was 4 years old, I fell of a tyre and broke my arm. The teacher called an ambulance and I went to the hospital to get it fixed. At the hospital they stuck a needle in my arm and I screamed really loud. They then gave me some medicine and I went to sleep.They told my parents it would be about 1/2 an hour.After that they tried to wake me up but I wouldn't until about 6 o'clock in the morning.
Tuesday, January 29
Hello my name is Breanna, and I am here to tell you about my life. I am 11 and I go to Burnham School. I am a year 7. I have got 2 sisters and 1 brother. My sister's names are Emelia and Adelynn. My brothers name is Ryan. My friends are Annalyse, Sophie, Sophie, Isabell. I like to draw, read and swim. My favourite subject at school is Reading.
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