Tuesday, July 12


Venus is named after the roman goddess of love and beauty.Venus is classified as a terrestrial planet.

Venus is the second planet from the sun,between Earth and Mecury and closest to the Earth.It is in our solar system the milky way.

Venus is a terrestrial planet so its made of a central Iron core and a rocky mantel,simmilar to earth.

Venus orbites closer to the sun than earth so it only takes 222.7 days to orbite the sun compare this to the earth whitch takes 365.25 days to orbite the sun.This means a year on veanus is 62% of an earth year.

Veanus is some times called the evening star!!!

Monday, July 11

Art Painting

Thursday, July 7

Term 2 Goal Reflection

Here are my reflections on my term 2 learning goals.


Sunday, July 3

Why did the popcorn dance?

Do you know how to make popcorn dance. well I do would you like to know more ?

Firstly you need to get some ingredients. This is what you need :
Some baking soda, vinegar, popcorn kernels, food colouring and water.

Firstly you fill the glass 3/4 fill. Secondly you put 2 drops food colouring in the glass. Next you get your hand fill of popcorn seeds. After that you put all the seeds in the glass. Then put 2 drops of vinegar in it. Lastly put 1 tablespoon of baking soda in it.

The bubbles cling to the seeds and when they get to the top they pop this happens until all the baking soda dissolves into the vinegar.

Watching popcorn dance is an amazing thing. I hope now you can make popcorn dance to.